Di seguito si trasmette il calendario della III settimana del Periodo di Ricerca su "Analisi Geometrica", organizzato dal Centro De Giorgi.
Research Period on Geometric Analysis November 1-30, 2003
Third week calendar November 17-21
Collegio Puteano Piazza dei Cavalieri, 3
Sala Conferenze
Monday 17 14.30-15.30: Ernest KUWERT (Freiburg Universitaet) Removability of isolated singularities of Willmore surfaces
16.00-17.00: Gabriella TARANTELLO (Roma 2) Liouville-type equations in gauge field theory
Tuesday 18 10.00-11.00: Neil TRUDINGER (Australian National University, Camberra) Analytic problems in affine geometry
14.30-15.30: Emmanuel HEBEY (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) Bubbles over bubbles, elliptic equations, and blow-up theory 16.00-17.00: Olivier DRUET (Ecole Normale Lyon) From one bubble to several bubbles: the effect of the geometry and the dimension
Wednesday 19 10.00-11.00: Frank PACARD (Paris XII) Concentration along submanifolds phenomena for some nonlinear problems 11.15-12.15: Maria Alessandra RAGUSA (Università di Catania) Some variational and nonvariational problems related to linear partial differential equations
14.30-15.30: Xiaoping YANG (Nanjing University) Nonholonomic connections and mean curvatures in sub-Riemannian manifolds 16.00-17.00: Etienne SANDIER (Paris XII) Results for the time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equations with magnetic field
Thursday 20 14.30-15.30: Sergio SOLIMINI (Bari) TBA 16.00-17.00: Yoshihiro TONEGAWA (Hokkaido University) On the stable critical points for a two-phase field equation
Further activities may be organized on a weekly basis.