mercoledi' 01-12-2004 (15:30) - Sala dei seminari Margarida Mendes Lopes (Instituto Superior Tecnico - Lisbona) : Even sets of nodes on rational surfaces
Argomento: Geometria
Let X be a smooth projective algebraic surface over an algebraically closed field K of characteristic different from 2. A nodal curve on X is a curve isomorphic to P^1 with self-intersection -2 (i.e. a -2-curve). A set of r disjoint nodal (i.e -2-curves) N_1,... N-k is called an even set if there exists a divisor L on X such that 2Lis linearly equivalent to N_1+...N_k. An algebraic complex surface Z is a nodal surface if its only singularities are nodes (i.e. ordinary double points). In a (minimal) resolution of singularities of X-->Z, one has above each node of Z a nodal curve, and a set of nodes on Z is called an even set if the corresponding set of nodal curves on X is an even set. In this seminar we will discuss how even sets of nodal curves arise on rational surfaces and we will discuss some consequences.
giovedi' 02-12-2004 (11:00) - Aula Fermi. S.N.S. Vittoria Pierfelice : Stime pesate di Strichartz per l'equazione di Schroedinger su spazi iperbolici
venerdi' 03-12-2004 (15:00) - Sala Riunioni Roberto Frigerio : seminario sul flusso di Ricci La congettura di Thurston
******************************************* lunedi' 06-12-2004 (16:30) - Aula Bianchi S.N.S. David Martinez : CR manifolds and generic linear systems
lunedi' 13-12-2004 (15:00) - Aula Fermi S.N.S. Nicola Arcozzi : Misure di Carleson e successioni interpolanti
Giulia Curciarello Segreteria Didattica tel: 050-2213219 e-mail
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