mercoledì 4 dicembre
Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Matematica
• 14:30--15:30
Joseph Ayoub (Zurigo)
Titolo: Anabelian representations of the motivic Galois group
I will discuss some ongoing work aiming at studying the action of the
motivic Galois group on fundamental groups of algebraic varieties
conveniently completed.
• 16:00--17:00
Federico Binda (Milano)
Titolo: Triangulated categories of log-motives over a field
In this talk, I will give an overview of the construction of a triangulated
category of motives for log smooth log schemes over a field k, based on the
notion of finite log correspondence, in analogy to Voevodsky’s DM(k). The
affine line is replaced in this context by the “cube” (P^1, \infty), i.e.
the log scheme P^1_1 with log structure coming from the divisor at
infinity, as one does in the theory of motives with modulus à la
Kahn-Saito-Yamazaki. This is a joint work in progress with Doosung Park
(Zurich) and Paul Arne Ostvaer (Oslo).
Classe di Scienze
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Michele VERDE
Scuola Normale Superiore
Servizio alla didattica e allievi
Piazza Dei Cavalieri, 7
I - 56126 Pisa
Tel. 050-509048
E-Mail: michele.verde@sns.it
E-Mail: classi@sns.it
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