Il Prof. Tom Mrowka (M.I.T.), ospite del dipartimento di matematica "L. Tonelli" dal 15 giugno al 15 luglio 2004, terra` un corso di dottorato intitolato:
"Floer homology for Seiberg-Witten monopoles"
Abstract: This course will cover the construction of various versions of Floer homology for Seiberg-Witten monopoles. We will begin with a discussion of finite dimensional Morse theory focusing on the how the usual construction needs to be modified to deal with a function invariant under circle action. Then we will discuss the monopole equations on three and four dimensional manifolds and indicate how the Chern-Simons-Dirac function compares with the finite dimensional situation. We will discuss many of the details needed to rigorously construct the Morse complex: transversality, compactness and glueing. As time permits we will describe how these groups facilitate computations of the Seiberg-Witten invariants and discuss the surgery long exact sequence.
La prima lezione del corso sara` il giorno
lunedi` 21 giugno alle ore 14 nell'aula 1 del dipartimento di matematica "L. Tonelli"
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