Inoltro avviso di Seminario a me pervenuto. Cordiali saluti Liviana Paoletti
----- Original Message ----- From: Valeria Giuliani To: Docenti Scienze ; Ricercatori Scienze ; Perfezionandi Scienze ; ; Studenti Scienze Cc: Segreteria Classe di Scienze ; Portineria Carovana ; Micheletti ; valentina quattrocchi ; leyla makhoul ; francesco casacci ; gavina pinna ; Sito SNS ; Curciarello Giulia ; Alessandra La Spina ; Liviana Paoletti Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 10:28 AM Subject: avviso seminario di matematica Prof.ssa Viviane Baladi (20.10.2010)
mercoledì 20 ottobre 2010 ore 16.00
Scuola Normale Superiore
(Sala Conferenze Collegio Puteano)
Viviane Baladi
CNRS, E.N.S. Paris
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Linear response for generic smooth unimodal maps"
(Joint with Daniel Smania)
Many interesting dynamical systems admit a "natural" or "physical" measure, which describes the asymptotic time averages of a positive Lebesgue measure set of initial conditions. This measure is called the SRB measure, for Sinai-Ruelle-Bowen. When a smooth one-parameter family f_t of dynamical systems admits for all (or many) small paramerers t a unique SRB measure mu_t, it is natural to ask if the map t -> mu_t is also smooth(possibly in the sense of Whitney). In 1997, David Ruelle solved the case when the f_t are smooth and uniformly hyperbolic, obtaining a formula for the derivative: the linear response formula.Ten years later, Daniel Smania and I discovered by studying a "toy model" (piecewise expanding maps) that the presence of critical points (which destroy structural stability) may cause obstructions to linear response. We proved that the condition of "tangency" of the family to the topological class was necessary and sufficient for linear response to hold. For smooth nonuniformly hyperbolic unimodal maps, the situation is much more difficult, and for the moment one only considers families f_t which remain in the topological class of f_0. Up to 2009, only (nongeneric) situations very close to hyperbolic had been tackled (Ruelle, B-Smania). We shall present a recent joint result with Daniel Smania (available on, which holds under a generic recurrence condition.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valeria Giuliani Scuola Normale Superiore Servizio Supporto Attività Didattiche - Scienze Tel. 050-509260 Fax. 050-509045 Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 56126 Pisa E-Mail: E-Mail:
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