Inoltro avviso di Seminario a me pervenuto. Cordiali saluti Liviana Paoletti ----- Original Message ----- From: Valeria Giuliani To: Docenti Scienze ; Ricercatori Scienze ; Perfezionandi Scienze ; Studenti Scienze ; Cc: Segreteria Classe di Scienze ; Portineria Carovana ; Sito SNS ; gavina pinna ; francesco casacci ; leyla makhoul ; valentina quattrocchi ; Lucia Lilli (INFN) ; Claudia Tofani (INFN) ; Paola Cecchi ; Curciarello Giulia ; Alessandra La Spina ; Liviana Paoletti Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 10:34 AM Subject: Colloqui Classe di Scienze Prof. Maurizio Prato (4/11/2009)
Colloqui Classe di Scienze
mercoledì 4 novembre 2009 ore 15.00
Scuola Normale Superiore
(Aula Stemmi)
Maurizio Prato
Università di Trieste
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Carbon Nanotubes: Novel Materials for Materials Science and Bionanotechnology"
Nanometer-scale structures represent a novel and intriguing field, where scientists and engineers manipulate materials at the atomic and molecular levels to produce innovative materials for composites, electronic, sensing, and biomedical applications. Carbon nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes constitute a relatively new class of materials exhibiting exceptional mechanical and electronic properties and are also promising candidates for gas storage and drug delivery. However, processing carbon nanotubes is severely limited by a number of inherent problems: purification from a variety of byproducts, difficult manipulation and low solubility in organic solvents and in water are only some of these problems. For these reasons, several strategies have been devised to make nanotubes "easier" materials.Covalent and supramolecular functionalization of carbon nanostructures are the basic synthetic techniques for solubilization and use in different fields such as donor-acceptor systems or drug delivery. The combination of nanotubes with various electron donors has led to a new generation of donor-acceptor nanohybrids which can be used for the development of carbon-based photovoltaic cells. Upon illumination, these systems give rise to fast charge separation and slow charge recombination. The first results are very promising and further research in this field to obtain practical conversion of light energy into electricity is not only justified but also desirable. Also in biomedical applications carbon nanotubes are set to play an important role. Their use as drug delivery scaffolds and substrates for vaccines has already been demonstrated. Nanotubes functionalized with bioactive moieties are particularly suited for targeted drug delivery. In fact, not only they become less toxic, but also exhibit a high propensity to cross cell membranes. The use of carbon nanotubes as active substrates for neuronal growth has given so far very exciting results. Not only nanotubes are compatible with neurons, but they play a very interesting role in interneuron communication.The chemical modification of carbon nanotubes is a very young field, but the nanotubes represent today a class of materials expected to play a significant role in innovative discoveries. Future studies will determine the opportunities as well as the limitations of such materials.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Segreteria Classe di Scienze
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valeria Giuliani Scuola Normale Superiore Segreteria Classe di Scienze Tel. 050-509260 Fax. 050-509045 Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 56126 Pisa E-Mail: E-Mail:
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