Miniworkshop on
"Gradient flow equations of non convex functionals"
Centro De Giorgi (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), May 2, 2005.
morning (9.30-12.30)
Gobbino Results and open problems on the Perona-Malik equation
Colucci Long time behaviour or a dynamical system related to the Perona Malik equation
Novaga Global solutions to the "truncated" Perona-Malik equation in one dimension
afternoon (14.30-17.00)
Alberti A variational model for pattern formation in dimension one and higher. Few results and some open problems.
Guglielmi Numerical experiments and conjectures on the formation of microstructures for the gradient dynamics of non convex functionals
The organizers: Giovanni Bellettini (, Matteo Novaga (
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