Learning seminars on the Dirac equation and its applications in mathematical relativity
Due to a conflicting event, we are having the first seminar
by *Ruijun Wu* on *October 17th at 3PM in Aula Tonelli*.
The expected duration is 1.5-2 hours.
Classe di Scienze
On 15/10/2019 14:33, Valeria Giuliani wrote:
Dear All, we are organizing a series of learning seminars on the Dirac equation and its applications in mathematical relativity.
We will cover some basic material on spin structures, Dirac's operator, the index theorem and some geometric applications.
We will present Witten's proof of the Positive Mass Theorem, and go through the paper by Degeratu and Stern:
*Witten spinors on non-spin manifolds.* Comm. Math. Phys. 324 (2013), no. 2, 301-350.
Depending on the interest, we might continue the meetings further.
The first seminar will be by *Ruijun Wu* on *October 17th at 2PM in Aula Mancini*.
We plan then to meet about every two weeks, trying to find most convenient times.
If someone is interested in attending, please write to andrea.malchiodi@sns.it