Inoltro avviso di Seminario a me pervenuto. Cordiali saluti Liviana Paoletti ----- Original Message ----- From: Valeria Giuliani To: Docenti Scienze ; Ricercatori Scienze ; Perfezionandi Scienze ; Studenti Scienze ; Cc: Segreteria Classe di Scienze ; Portineria Carovana ; gavina pinna ; francesco casacci ; leyla makhoul ; valentina quattrocchi ; Curciarello Giulia ; Alessandra La Spina ; Liviana Paoletti ; Sito SNS Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 10:39 AM Subject: avviso di seminario di matematica Prof. Paolo Maria Mariano (19.11.2009)
giovedì 19 novembre 2009 ore 15.30
Scuola Normale Superiore
(Sala Conferenze Collegio Puteano)
Paolo Maria Mariano
Univeristà di Firenze
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Complex bodies as sections of fiber bundles and related variational problems"
Chapters of solid-state physics display examples of the phenomenology of materials-called 'complex'-characterized by a drastic influence of microstructural mutations on the global mechanical behaviour. The setting is widespread: it embodies examples going from ferroelectrics to quasicrystals and biomaterials of various nature. Relevant models in terms of continuum field theories reveal the presence of structures which are common to large special classes of complex bodies. A general model-building framework unifying available theories then arises: it is also a flexible tool for the formulation of new special models for new materials. Its construction implies essential 'slidings' in the basic paradigms of traditional continuum mechanics. Non-trivial geometric and analytical problems appear: their list includes minimization of energies over classes of bodies rather than only classes of fields, transport of microstructures, hyperbolic equations involving manifold-valued maps, the use of geometric measure theory in the representation of the interactions amid material elements ad so on.Essential themes and some open problems of the mechanics of complex bodies are discussed in the seminar.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
La Segreteria della
Classe di Scienze
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valeria Giuliani Scuola Normale Superiore Divisione Didattica Ricerca e Relazioni Esterne Classe di Scienze Tel. 050-509260 Fax. 050-509045 Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 56126 Pisa E-Mail: E-Mail:
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