Tentative calendar of the trimester on
************************************************************************************* DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND NUMBER THEORY
April 16-July 13, 2007
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio de Giorgi, Pisa
Scientific Committee:
Gregory Margulis Stefano Marmi Peter Sarnak Jean-Christophe Yoccoz Don Zagier
(I) April 16-April 27 Renormalization, small divisors, continued fractions and geodesic flows
(II) April 30-May 11 Continued fractions, modular symbols, periods of automorphic forms and theta functions
(III) May 14-June 1 Teichmuller dynamics
(IV) May 28-June 8 TBA
(V) June 11-July 6 Clay Mathematics Institute summer school on Homogeneous flows, moduli spaces, and arithmetic
Organizing Committee: Manfred Einsiedler (Ohio State University), David Ellwood (Clay Mathematics Institute), Alex Eskin (University of Chicago), Dmitry Kleinboc (Brandeis University), Elon LINDENSTRAUSS (chair, Princeton University), Gregory Margulis (Yale University), Stefano Marmi (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa), Peter Sarnak (Princeton University), Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France) and Don Zagier (Max Planck Institut, Bonn and Collège de France)
Invited speakers for the first 4 periods (from April 16 to June 10) include P. Arnoux (Marseille) K. Bringmann (Madison) R. Bruggeman (Utrecht) A. Bufetov (Rice) X. Buff (Toulouse) T. Carletti (Namur) A. Cheritat (Toulouse) N. Fagella (Barcelona) G. Forni (Toronto) G. Gentile (Roma III) S.n Gouëzel (Renne P. Hubert (Marseille) K. Khanin (Toronto) A. Katok (Penn State) M. Kontsevich (IHES) E. Lanneau (Marseille) J. Lewis (MIT) Yu. Manin (MPI Bonn) M. Marcolli (MPI Bonn) G. Margulis (Yale) J. Marklof (Bristol) H. Masur (Chicago) D. Mayer (Clausthal) M. Mirzakhani (Princeton) P. Moussa (Saclay) H. Nakada (Keio) M. Pollicott (Warwick) O. Sarig (Penn State) P. Sarnak (Princeton) D. Sauzin (Paris) M. Shishikura (Kyoto) J. Smillie (Cornell) C. Ulcigrai (Princeton) W. Veech (Rice) M. Viana (IMPA) J.-C. Yoccoz (College de France) D. Zagier (MPI Bonn and College de France) A. Zorich (Rennes)
More detailed information will be soon available on the website http://www.crm.sns.it/
Detailed information about the Clay School (June 11-July 6) can be retrieved from the website of the Clay Institute http://www.claymath.org/programs/summer_school/2007/
As far as the Clay Summer School is concerned, applications for support should be addressed directly to the Clay Institute (the application form is available http://www.claymath.org/programs/summer_school/2007/2007_App.pdf)
In order to apply for support for coming to Pisa during the period April 16-June 10 all what is needed is a short CV, a list of pubblications and eventually a recommendation email. All this should be addressed directly to the secretaries of the De Giorgi center: crm@crm.sns.it
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