Dal 10 al 12 Luglio prossimi il Prof. ALEXANDER HOLEVO (Steklov Mathematical Institute) sarà ospite del Centro De Giorgi. Durante la sua visita terrà 3 lezioni su "Statistical structure of quantum theory". Le lezioni si terranno nella Sala Conferenze del Collegio Puteano.
Abstract: The course presents some basic concepts and rigorous results of a new scientific discipline – quantum information theory. It starts with a thorough reconsideration of the mathematical foundations of quantum theory from the modern statistical/information theoretic viewpoint, requiring only a minor prior knowledge of standard quantum mechanics. The concepts of quantum state, observable and (irreversible) dynamics of a quantum system are carefully discussed and appropriately generalized. A central notion of quantum communication channel is explained with a number of examples. The mathematical framework of the lectures is operator (matrix) theory infniite dimensional Hilbert space, so that knowledge of a basic linear algebra, along with basic probability, would be a sufficient technical prerequisite.
[1] A. S. Holevo, Statistical structure of quantum theory, Springer- Verlag, Berlin NY, 2001. [2] M. A. Nielsen, I. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information. Cambridge University Press, 2000. [3] M. Hayashi, Quantum information: an introduction, Springer, Berlin 2006. 1
CALENDARIO: Martedì 10 Luglio: 11-13 Mercolediì 11 Luglio: 11-13 Giovedì 12 Luglio: 11-13 ======================================================================== ==============================
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