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NOTIZIARIO DEL 5 MARZO 2012 seminari previsti dal 5-3-2012 al 18-3-2012
______________________________________ LUNEDI' 5 MARZO 2012
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 15:00-16:30, sala Azzurra (SNS) Opening Cerimony and conference: "Billiards" Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, Collège de France, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 17:00-18:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Lyapunov Functions: Towards an Aubry-Mather theory for Homeomorphisms? Albert Fathi, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, CNRS
______________________________________ MARTEDI' 6 MARZO 2012
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 09:00-10:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Some Notions of Small Sets Patrick Bernard, (Université Paris Dauphine, CNRS)
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 10:15-11:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) "On the Definition of Laplacian on Metric Measure Spaces and Comparison Results for the CD(K,N) Case" Nicola Gigli, Université de Nice, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 11:15-12:30, sala Azzurra (SNS) "Fractal Geometry of Non-uniformly Hyperbolic Horseshoes" Carlos Matheus, CNRS - LAGA - Univ. Paris 13
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 15:00-16:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Hyperbolic Equations with non Lipschitz Coefficients Daniele Del Santo, Università di Trieste
SEMINARI DI TEORIA DEI NUMERI 16:00-17:00, Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica) Indices of Inseparability and Class Field Theory Kevin Keating, University of Florida
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 16:15-17:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) "Stability for two fluid interfaces" David Lannes, CNRS, École Normale Supérieure
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 17:15-17:30, sala Azzurra (SNS) On the Stability of Standing Waves of the Dirac Equation Scipio Cuccagna, Università di Trieste
______________________________________ MERCOLEDI' 7 MARZO 2012
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 09:00-10:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Diffusion Along a Mean Motion Resonance in the Restricted Three-body Problem Jaques Fejoz, Université Paris Dauphine, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 10:15-11:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) Lagrange Spectra in Teichmüller Dynamics Luca Marchese, Université Paris 13, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 11:15-12:30, sala Azzurra (SNS) TBA Jérôme Bertrand , Université P. Sabatier, Toulouse, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 15:00-16:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Evolution of Domains by Spectral Flows Giuseppe Buttazzo, Università di Pisa
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 16:15-17:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) TBA Laure Saint-Raymond , École Normale Supérieure, Université Paris 6, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 17:15-18:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) On the Cauchy Problem for Water Gravity Waves Thomas Alazard , CNRS, École Normale Supérieure
______________________________________ GIOVEDI' 8 MARZO 2012
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 09:00-10:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Hardy-Carleman-Morawetz: along Uncertainty, Unique Continuation and Dispersion Luca Fanelli , SAPIENZA Università di Roma
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 10:15-11:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) Variational Problems and PDE's Arising in Congested Transport Models Guillaume Carlier, Université Paris Dauphine, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 11:15-12:30, sala Azzurra (SNS) Para-product on Lie Groups and Riemannian Manifolds Sire Yannick, Université Aix-Marseille, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 15:00-16:00, sala Azzurra (SNS) Angular Momentum and Horn Problem Alain Chenciner, Observatoire de Paris, IMCCE, CNRS
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 16:15-17:15, sala Azzurra (SNS) Resampling-based Estimation of the Accuracy of Satellite Ephemerides Sylvain Arlot , CNRS, École Normale Supérieure
INAUGURAL CONFERENCE OF THE FIBONACCI LABORATORY 17:15-18:30, sala Azzurra (SNS) L2 Well Posed Cauchy Problems for First Order Systems Guy Métivier , (IMB Université de Bordeaux - CNRS)
______________________________________ GIOVEDI' 15 MARZO 2012
SEMINARI DI ANALISI 17:00-19:00, Sala Seminari (Dip. Matematica) Semi-classical estimates for the cut-off resolvent and the resonance states for trapping perturbations Vesselin Petkov , Bordeaux
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