Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo" Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Area della Ricerca di Pisa AVVISO DI SEMINARIO
Data: Martedi' 25 Settembre 2007 ore 11.30 Relatore: Ioannis Tsamardinos Affiliazione: Computer Science Department, University of Crete Luogo: ISTI-CNR, Aula C-40 Riferimento: Ovidio Salvetti e.mail:
Feature selection and causal modeling are important areas of machine learning. In feature selection one seeks the smallest variable subset that exhibits the highest prediction power, e.g., the smallest set of genes whose expression is the most predictive of cancer survival. In causal modeling one seeks the variables that are causally related to a variable of interest, e.g., the proteins whose concentrations are ãcausingä a disease. In this talk, I will discuss recent theoretical advances connecting feature selection and causal modeling as well as algorithmic advances that allow an analyst to identify causal relations in datasets of high dimensionality (tens of thousands of variables). The methods will be discussed in the context of the analysis of biomedical and other domains.
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