----- Original Message ----- From: Valeria Giuliani To: Docenti Scienze ; Ricercatori Scienze ; Perfezionandi Scienze ; Studenti Scienze ; borsisti.scienze@sns.it Cc: Segreteria Classe di Scienze ; Portineria Carovana ; Sito SNS ; Lucia Lilli (INFN) ; Claudia Tofani (INFN) ; Paola Cecchi ; Curciarello Giulia ; Alessandra La Spina ; Liviana Paoletti Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 1:39 PM Subject: Re: avviso seminario prof. Claudio Zannoni (24.02.2010)
Si invia nuovamente l'avviso del seminario del prof. Zannoni competo di abstract. ----- Original Message ----- From: Valeria Giuliani To: Docenti Scienze ; Ricercatori Scienze ; Perfezionandi Scienze ; Studenti Scienze ; borsisti.scienze@sns.it Cc: Segreteria Classe di Scienze ; Portineria Carovana ; Sito SNS ; Lucia Lilli (INFN) ; Claudia Tofani (INFN) ; Paola Cecchi ; Curciarello Giulia ; Alessandra La Spina ; Liviana Paoletti Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 12:54 PM Subject: avviso seminario prof. Claudio Zannoni (24.02.2010)
Colloqui Classe di Scienze
Mercoledì 24 febbraio 2010 ore 15.00
Scuola Normale Superiore
(Sala Stemmi)
Claudio Zannoni
Università di Bologna
Terrà un seminario dal titolo:
"Building Soft Matter from the Bottom up: a Computer Simulation Approach"
Soft matter comprises a variety of condensed matter systems like liquid crystals, polymers, colloids, gels, and a number of biological systems, whose structure can be easily modified thermally or by the intervention of external fields. Understanding these systems or developing new ones with specifically tailored functionalities relies on establishing a robust link between molecular features and macroscopic properties. This implies at first a generic understanding of the effects of shape, charge distribution etc. of the molecular building blocks on the resulting molecular organizations. However, a much more ambitious goal is that of predicting morphologies and properties at various temperatures and working conditions starting from a specific molecular structure and observing the transitions from one phase to another. In this Colloquium we plan to show some recent examples of the application of computer modelling and simulations to various areas of soft matter, in particular: liquid crystals with their phase transitions and topological defects; organic nanostructures, and proteins with their conformational changes, highlighting some recent advances and outstanding problems.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Classe di Scienze
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Valeria Giuliani Scuola Normale Superiore Servizio Supporto Attività Didattiche - Scienze Tel. 050-509260 Fax. 050-509045 Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 56126 Pisa E-Mail: v.giuliani@sns.it E-Mail: segreteria.scienze@sns.it
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