Qui di seguito si invia il calendario delle lezioni che si terranno la prossima settimana presso il Centro De Giorgi nell'ambito del trimestre su 'Differential Geometry and Topology'.
Le lezioni si svolgono nella Sala Conferenze del Collegio Puteano, tranne la lezione del Prof. Richard Hamilton, che si terra' in Aula Mancini.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
============================================================================ == CENTRO DI RICERCA MATEMATICA ENNIO DE GIORGI
'Differential Geometry and Topology'
Monday 20 17: Huai-Dong Cao 18,15: Mark Haskins
Tuesday 21 9,45: Alexei Kovalev 11,15: Gary Gibbons
15: Mathematics Dept. Pisa (cfr. http://www.dm.unipi.it/~geom/seminars.html) 17: Mark Haskins
Wednesday 22 9,45: Huai-Dong Cao 11,15: Alexei Kovalev
15,30: Ryushi Goto
Thursday 23 9,45: Gary Gibbons 11,15: Alexei Kovalev
15,30: Richard Hamilton (lecture in Aula Mancini, to be confirmed)
Huai-Dong Cao (Lehigh University), Introduction to Ricci flow
Gary Gibbons (University of Cambridge), Consistent reductions of higher dimensional supergravity theories; Infinitely many new Einstein metrics on S2 x Sn from Kerr-de-Sitter black holes
Ryushi Goto (Osaka University), Deformations and global smoothing of topological calibrations, Calabi-Yau, HyperKaehler, G2, Spin(7) structures
Richard Hamilton (Columbia University), TBA
Mark Haskins (IHES and Imperial College), Special Lagrangian cones over odd genus surfaces by gluing; SLG T² cones, spectral geometry and integrable systems
Alexei Kovalev (University of Cambridge), Calabi-Yau and G2 manifolds and their calibrated submanifolds